Sunday, January 13, 2008


Alright ladies! I need your advice/help with 2 things:

1. We're trying to wean Lydia from the bottle. It hasn't been going so well. She won't drink milk in ANYTHING besides a bottle. Not even with a straw (her new fascination). So I need advice on how we could make the transition a little easier for all of us. Any suggestions??

2. So, this one is driving me CRAZY! Lydia has been having a really hard time playing on her own lately. She won't play anything unless Ben or I are there playing with her. Any suggestions on helping her become a little more independent? I know it's partly our fault, but we'll take any advice we can get. I'm looking forward to your help!!


RP said...

I can't be any help with the bottle thing. We've never had a kid take a bottle until Caleb, so it will be good to know what advice is given here. He actually drinks out of a sippy cup now, so I'm thinking of switching the formula to a cup instead of the bottle for the last few weeks. Have you tried that? You could also just take away the bottles and put them away so they aren't an option any more.

As far as Lydia being more independent, she's only 1 and so she isn't going to be very independent for a while still. You can start to set it up in different ways though so she learns that it is ok to play on her own and not with you guys all the time. For example, she likes to color, so I would set it up for her at the table next to whatever you are doing and tell her that she can color while you do your thing. That way, you're still together, but she's doing something different than you and you are getting something done at the same time. You can also let her "help" you while you do some of the things that need to be done around the house. Putting the laundry in the dryer, helping cook meals, teach her how to sort things, etc. You're not going to get things done as fast as you could do it on your own, but she's having fun with you doing something she doesn't normally do. I also think by explaining things to her in ways she can understand can help too. Something like, "Mom's busy folding laundry but you can go play with your balls over there" kind of thing. I hope that helps.

Jaime said...

I totally agree with Ronni on the whole playing on her own thing. She is still too young to do it on her own and there is no other sibling for her to play with. The suggestions Ronni gave were great- basically make her think you're playing with her while you're doing something else at the same time- if she likes balls, roll one back and forth to her while you're folding laundry, etc. Or just let her think you're playing with her while she's helping you.

As for the bottle thing, both my kids went through the same exact thing. Unfortunately, no cup would work, they simply refused milk in anything but the bottle. So I basically just let them have it in a bottle (milk only) until they were about two. Then we had to try and get them to drink chocolate milk in a sippy cup (we just kept giving it to them until they would drink it) and then we slowly diluted it with real milk until they were drinking milk and we were calling it choc. milk. Even to this day my kids aren't really big milk drinkers. The bottle is just a comfort thing, and the milk is what they're used to in it. That's what we've done- good luck.

Test said...

We finally got Boston off of the bottle in November. He's the same as Lydia and would only drink milk from his bottle. We've tried serving milk at dinner in cups for our beverage, and he'll usually just take one sip then say "yuck!" So I think we're going to switch to chocolate milk and follow the same steps that Jaime did with her kids! (We also threw away the bottle in a big ceremonial way kinda like how mom gut us to throw our bottles away! He was really excited and felt like such a "big boy!")