Monday, February 1, 2010

Valentine Window Art

This is a quick, easy, and fun art project. All you need is 3D craft paint, Parchment paper (you could also use wax paper or freezer paper), and some happy helpers.Using the paint, make some shapes onto the paper.

We chose hearts in honor of V -day. Let them dry, then peel off the paper and stick them on your window for all to see! (puffy side on the window)
Sooo easy. I forgot to take a pic with them on the window, so you'll just have to try it yourself!
(I got the idea from my friend Megan)


Shayne said...

What's 3d craft paint? and how do they stick to the window?! Fun idea!

Whitney said...

It's "puff paint". As for sticking to the window, you have to push them on pretty hard, but then they just stick! (You have to put the puffy side on the window though - it's the "sticky" part) Lydia loved doing it and is so proud of her window art!

Jaime said...

What a cute project! We might have to try this one at our house!

Kacie said...

Great idea!

Mom and Dad said...

Cute idea...maybe my YW could actually do this!

Shayne said...

haha yes, they might be able to do this. but they should make dots! :)

RP said...

Cute idea!