Saturday, March 22, 2008

Easter Plans

What is everyone doing for Easter? Any fun traditions that have been carried over the years? Any new ideas to start? Can you believe it's already here? I don't think I've ever had an Easter covered with snow--6 inches of it!

We are going to as many egg hunts as we can today and then will dye our own eggs tonight. If we're lucky we'll probably make some sugar cookies and decorated them. We'll wake up bright and early tomorrow for the egg hunt before church. Last year the Easter Bunny left clues for the kids to find their baskets. It was a big hit. We're not sure if that is going to happen again this year.

I printed out pictures of the Easter Story from the Gospel Art Kit to put in eggs that the kids will find along with their regular eggs. I wanted to have fun with Easter, but also tie it back into the Resurrection and Christ. We also printed out one big picture of the Resurrected Christ and are going to cut it up into a puzzle and hide the pieces in eggs for them to find and then put the puzzle together after we find all the pieces.

That's what we're doing this year. What about you guys?


Jaime said...

I love your ideas!! The puzzle is especially cute. We did the regular finding of eggs, but two eggs were special- one was empty and the other had a picture of Christ. We had the kids open those two last, and then talked about the true meaning of Easter. It helped us focus on what Easter is really about.
Other than that, it was church, good food and family, what could be better?!

Mom and Dad said...

We had fun finding eggs with the Wiley clan who surprised us the day before! Dad of course, had to find the eggs as I wasn't able to move much. It was a memorable Easter to say the least and I enjoyed Jaime's teaching the kids about the atonement and resurrection.