Thursday, October 9, 2008

Halloween Memories

Ok. Now that we're into my favorite season. . .Fall. . . and my favorite month. . . October. . .and my favorite holiday. . .Halloween. . .I thought it would be fun to hear some of your favorite Fall/Halloween memories! I always loved decorating the house. It was so much fun to put out all of the pumpkins, spiders webs, and all-around Fall things. I loved my dinosaur costume that I put a hole in, 'cause the tail dragged on the ground while I was trick-or-treating. I loved playing with all of the costumes the whole month of October. There were so many fun things to put on and play around in!

Anyway. . .I just thought maybe some of you might have some fun memories too!


Whitney said...

I remember playing with the costumes for hours! That was always one of the biggest highlights - when Dad got the costume box down! I loved the decorations to, of course - and the disney halloween cartoons!

Jaime said...

I loved decorating the house, and also when we were really little I loved going to that one lady's house on Halloween night trick-or-treating- she always made these really cute chocolate suckers in Halloween shapes. It was so fun to see what we would get. And just the excitement of waiting to go- and getting our pillowcases ready to be filled with treats, then getting home and dumping them out to see what we got.