Monday, September 22, 2008

Calling All Mom's.....

I know that I've already talked to a few of you about this, but I need some help! I need some suggestions on boy movies for Boston! The other day he chose to watch Gilmore Girls as his top pick... and he sits through an entire episode! I don't want to make him girly in any way, so if you have any suggestions, send them my way!! Also, since Christmas and his birthday are coming up, and ideas for toys that he might like would be appreciated as well! Thank you!


RP said...

I'm not sure of any "boy" movies, but my kids have all liked Dora, Bob the Builder, Diego, any of the Nick Jr. shows are great. You could try Cars, and the Incredibles if you want movies.

I'll have to think about presents, I feel like I never know what to get!

Whitney said...

What can I say?! Boston has great taste :) That's really funny though! I'll keep my eye out for good boy movies. As for the toys, you could get him some sort of a race track,or play tool set. Is he into any superheros yet?

Mom and Dad said...

It might be time to set up the Geo Tracks! Have you tried the Land Before Time movies?

Jaime said...

C's first fav. movie was Toy Story 2 (It's better than the first one), he totally got into Buzz Lightyear. Next was Monsters Inc. Try those out first, and try a few times, just keep sticking one in every time he wants to watch a show- even if for just part of it. You can watch it too and make him think it's "cool".