Tuesday, April 8, 2008


So did anyone see the college basketball championship game last night?!! It was AWSOME!! As exciting as I could have hoped for! It was well worth the watch, the kids even stayed up to watch it with us!
So how many of you are into watching sports? Playing them? Which sport is your favorite? I'm guessing that growing up in a house that had various games on all weekend will have turned some away and created fans out of others.


Jaime said...

My favorite sport is Football. I love watching it, college and pro. I enjoy baseball if I can go to the game, I don't like it on TV unless it's the world series. Basketball is ok, March Madness is a must see.

RP said...

I'd have to say football, but we don't usually watch sports here. We like to do experiments instead.

Hmmmm. What does that say about us?

Mom and Dad said...

Of course we like sports! Remember the football and baseball games I use to drag all of you to? I loved playing any sport growing up, maybe that's why I have a P.E. minor and a recreation major??? Hmmmm, we all know what dad thinks about sports, especially showing his strength as he was able to throw 7 girls off our bed, over and over!

Shayne said...

I enjoy most sports! I'd have to say that football, baseball, and basketball are among the top for me. I always loved going to Dad's games and I think that's why I love to watch baseball so much. Football is obviously exciting, but I like the other two as well!