Monday, April 21, 2008

Going Green!

With the world focusing on the need to go 'green', I was curious as to what all of you think about it. I believe that there is a problem, and that what little we do really can help. So, I'm posing the question 'What are you doing to be greener?'
I changed all of my light bulbs to compact flourescent bulbs. I keep lights off unless I'm in the room, and if there's enough natural light, I just use that. I am trying to be better about walking places instead of driving. I live in a small enough town that I don't need to drive everywhere. Most places are only a mile or a little more away from me. There's no excuse to waste gas. I ride my scooter when the weather cooperates. It gets 110 miles per gallon, so I save a lot of money that way. I don't use bottled water anymore. I have plenty of Nalgenes (even though they're going to give me cancer now) I can refill and reuse. I try not to waste water. I turn the faucet off when brushing my teeth, and am trying to take shorter showers. I would like to get cloth bags for groceries, but I haven't made it there yet. Soon, maybe.
These are things that I'm working on. I'm just wondering if you think it's something we need to worry about, or if you think it's just a bunch of propoganda. Let's hear it!


RP said...

We are doing a lot of the same things. We walk to/from school, and a lot of places that are within walking distance. We have halogen light bulbs. I'm going to buy everyone a water bottle this summer so we don't use the bottled water anymore. I've been wanting to buy the cloth bags for groceries too.

I think it's a good idea to use only what you need. I'm not sold on the whole global warming thing...don't get Wally started on it either!

Whitney said...

I'm definitely not sold on Global Warming - we won't get into that either :) But I do think it's important to do the little things to make the world a cleaner and better place. When it's not raining, we love to walk places since we're so close to everything. I've also been wanting to get some cloth bags for groceries, but haven't done it yet. We try to use less water taking showers, and brushing teeth, and we make sure lights are off when we don't need them (i have to admit this is more to save money on our electric bill!) I admit that there's a lot more we could do, but we're working on it! Nothing's wrong with trying to make the world a better place!

Mom and Dad said...

We feel a lot of it is propaganda, having read many issues on both sides of the issue. We have always tried to keep lights off when not in a room, something which was a battle to teach you girls at times! Also, we have changed to the new lightbulbs, but the more we hear about them, we get worried. They contain mercury and you aren't supposed to vacuum them up if they break or even dispose of them in the regular trash! As long as you recycle we think bottled water is fine. We drive much less and don't plan on buying cloth bags for shopping. We feel a lot of it is a political issue brought on by Al Gore and articles by many scientists are now starting to finally coming to light as to the false premise of global warming! Anyway, enough from us....we feel it is always important to responsibly take care of the earth around us!

Shayne said...

I think it's always good to be cautious with saving electricity and recycling. But I definitely think that the whole "going green" thing is a bunch of propaganda. I do think that it is better to use safer cleaners around the home with children around... so I try to use vinegar/ water to clean my floors and windows. But I'm fine with the grocery store bags! I re-use them as trash bags in our little trash cans.

Jaime said...

I think this Earth is a gift to us and we should do all that we can to respect it and preserve it. I think a lot of the "go green" things are great things to do, but I'm not convinced that they're completely necessary for the saving of our planet. I do love how it's teaching people not to be so wasteful, to reuse, recycle and turn off things we're not using- I mean shouldn't we do these things anyways? But moderation in all things! You can get a bit carried away and not everything is necessary. Do what you can and after that, don't get too caught up in the hype- after all much of it is a phase.
I have plastic type reusable bags that I got from IKEA that are really cute that I use at some stores I go to. At others I get the plastic bags, because we reuse them as trash bags and diaper bags.
So I say GO GREEN- in what you can/want and GO RESPECTFUL in everything else. After all isn't that the way it should be?!

Kenna said...

That's a really good way to put it. Go Respectful should be the new catch phrase!