Monday, April 28, 2008

Birthday Parties

Here's a great website I found for ideas for b-day parties. You can click on pretty much any theme and get great ideas- but my favorite is the winner's circle, it will list theme winners and what age the child was, and what year they won. People come up with some pretty amazing ideas!

Monday, April 21, 2008

Going Green!

With the world focusing on the need to go 'green', I was curious as to what all of you think about it. I believe that there is a problem, and that what little we do really can help. So, I'm posing the question 'What are you doing to be greener?'
I changed all of my light bulbs to compact flourescent bulbs. I keep lights off unless I'm in the room, and if there's enough natural light, I just use that. I am trying to be better about walking places instead of driving. I live in a small enough town that I don't need to drive everywhere. Most places are only a mile or a little more away from me. There's no excuse to waste gas. I ride my scooter when the weather cooperates. It gets 110 miles per gallon, so I save a lot of money that way. I don't use bottled water anymore. I have plenty of Nalgenes (even though they're going to give me cancer now) I can refill and reuse. I try not to waste water. I turn the faucet off when brushing my teeth, and am trying to take shorter showers. I would like to get cloth bags for groceries, but I haven't made it there yet. Soon, maybe.
These are things that I'm working on. I'm just wondering if you think it's something we need to worry about, or if you think it's just a bunch of propoganda. Let's hear it!

Wednesday, April 16, 2008


OK, here's another favorite for you- What's your fav. TV show? Now that the shows are starting to come back on (after the writers strike), what are you most excited to watch?- Or have you been able to enjoy a fav. show despite the strike?

Tuesday, April 15, 2008

New Idea

I came across this when I was reading about spring cleaning. I thought it was a great idea because not only do you get to get rid of the tacky dish soap bottle, but it works well too! I bought a little bottle like that to try it out, and I love it! It's an inexpensive way to make your kitchen look better.

Monday, April 14, 2008

Swimsuit season is upon us....

Where do you go to buy swimsuits? Any good online places or regular stores that you would recommend? I never have luck in this area which is why it has been FOREVER since I bought a new suit. Since we live a mile from the beach though, I thought I better start looking for one. I hate swimsuit just reinforces the dramatic changes my body has gone through the last 8 years. Please help me.

Sunday, April 13, 2008

Thank you's

So I was just writing some thank you notes and having my children make some also and it made me think.  Some people never write thank you notes, it might be time constraint, they thank people in other ways, or it just isn't something they think of to do.  How do you feel about thank you notes, do you feel they are a must, is a call or thank you in person enough, or do you feel it isn't necessary at all?  I am just curious.  I read an article once where one person went on and on about how thank you's should be hand written on special paper with heart felt messages, others thought a simple written note on whatever paper was fine, while others said a thank you shouldn't be expected, that's not why you gave the gift and you should just give it without expecting anything in return.  I think each person had a good point to their argument- I also thought it was a funny topic for an article. 

I have always for the most part tried to write them (there have definitely been times I've missed), and never really thought a whole lot about it.  So today when we were all writing some together it just made me wonder.

Tuesday, April 8, 2008


So did anyone see the college basketball championship game last night?!! It was AWSOME!! As exciting as I could have hoped for! It was well worth the watch, the kids even stayed up to watch it with us!
So how many of you are into watching sports? Playing them? Which sport is your favorite? I'm guessing that growing up in a house that had various games on all weekend will have turned some away and created fans out of others.

Favorite Color

To go along with Jaime's "Favorites" theme, I wanted to know what everyone's favorite color is! Thanks!

Tuesday, April 1, 2008

ApRiL FoOlS DaY!

Happy April Fools day! Do you guys do anything fun to celebrate? We don't... but someday I want to! I know the Family Fun Mag. has some good ideas, but what do you do?!