Wednesday, February 6, 2008

Valentines Day

Does anybody have special traditions they do on Valentines Day? We want to make all of the holidays big and special in our house and I would love ideas! Also, I'm going to throw a little v-day party for Boston and his friends! If you have any suggestions on games to play/ things to do, pass them my way! Thanks!


Jaime said...

Every year I have a Valentine's party where the moms and kids all decorate Valentine's that I then drop off at the local Children's shelter. It is fun for the kids to decorate them and it is also special to give them to kids that might not have any otherwise.

RP said...

We always try to find a Valentine's Daddy/Daughter dance for Wally and Kelsie to go to together. We didn't have one last year in Washington so Wally created his own dance at home. He decorated and they both got dressed up (Kelsie always wears a dress and Wally wears a shirt and tie)and they had a dance at home. We're doing it again in our basement this year and I think we'll make Brandon the waiter for the special occasion. It's a lot of fun.

RP said...

Hey, I saw this idea in the Ensign this month and thought it was a really cute idea for a Valentine's family night:

Do you ever wonder if your children like each other, much less love each other? When our children were young, I had days when I wondered. One year, shortly before Valentine’s Day, I encouraged everyone to make a card for each member of the family. My husband and I participated too. Using various craft items, we made our cards during the week. Then on the Monday night before Valentine’s Day, we each took turns giving our cards one at a time and telling the recipients one reason we loved them. At first my request brought a few moans and groans, but then everyone’s hearts softened with warm, positive feelings.

Years later the tradition continues in my children’s families. For us, Valentine’s Day is another reminder to express our love for one another.

I thought it was a great idea and we're going to try it out this week.

Whitney said...

I'm doing a V-day party for Lydia and her little friends as well. I'm really excited about it! Here's some things we're going to do: We're having in at 9:30 (before naps) so we're having breakfast. I'm going to make heart shaped muffins and cinnamon rolls, and I'm having each of the other moms bring something, like fruit, juice, and one mom offered to bring a breakfast casserole. As for activities, I got a bunch of pink and red balloons for the kids to run around and play with. We're going to decorate little headbands with hearts on them (i'm going to put them together before) with stickers and crayons, and decorate sugar cookies. I'm also going to make heart shaped rice crispie treats to give to the kids to take home. I'm going to add red food coloring to the marshmallows so they're red. Anyways, I hope you got at least one idea for your little party! Have fun!

Shayne said...

Thanks for everyone's ideas! I'm so excited and I'm going to remember all of your ideas/ traditions! I hope that I have a little girl someday so we can do a father/ daughter dance too! :)