Sunday, April 13, 2008

Thank you's

So I was just writing some thank you notes and having my children make some also and it made me think.  Some people never write thank you notes, it might be time constraint, they thank people in other ways, or it just isn't something they think of to do.  How do you feel about thank you notes, do you feel they are a must, is a call or thank you in person enough, or do you feel it isn't necessary at all?  I am just curious.  I read an article once where one person went on and on about how thank you's should be hand written on special paper with heart felt messages, others thought a simple written note on whatever paper was fine, while others said a thank you shouldn't be expected, that's not why you gave the gift and you should just give it without expecting anything in return.  I think each person had a good point to their argument- I also thought it was a funny topic for an article. 

I have always for the most part tried to write them (there have definitely been times I've missed), and never really thought a whole lot about it.  So today when we were all writing some together it just made me wonder.


RP said...

I try to get thank you notes out. Christmas is always the one we are all really good at. The other times is when people have done something above and beyond and I truly am thankful for what they've done for me.

I don't think a thank you should be expected, but it is nice to be thanked. It kind of depends on the situation for me. It's not that I'm not thankful, but it's hard to remember to get them out--on time.

Shayne said...

I think thank-you notes are always nice. It usually takes me a little while to get them out and sometimes I forget or procrastinate too long and feel bad about it later. I always like to let people know how grateful I am! It doesn't bother me if I don't get one... it's more that I want to be able to send someone a note! But I do need to be better at getting them sent sooner, rather than later!

Mom and Dad said...

I agree with Miss Eugenia (Hearts in Hiding) that thank you notes are important. I admit I sometimes take way to long to send them though. I sometimes get a bit frustrated after sending a wedding or baby gift and never really knowing if it arrived or not. Grandma and Grandpa Scott always complimented your girls for taking the time to thank them. They said you were the only ones...Grandpa still enjoys the notes you send! You are teaching your children a great lesson by having them write the notes! Happy writing...

Whitney said...

I don't really expect thank you notes from people, but I feel guilty if I don't send them. Sometimes I get them out a little late, but I'm never content until I do! It's important to me to let people know how grateful I am for what they do.

Jaime said...

I agree with mom on the point that sometimes you don't know if your gift gets there or not and if you never hear from the person it leaves you wondering if they ever got it. In the day and age of email, all you'd really have to do is email a quick thanks- to let the giver know you got their gift.

Kacie said...

I think writing Thank you notes is a nice thing to do. I know it makes the person receiving one happy and makes the person writing it really appreciate what that someone did for them. I think it's an important thing to pass on to our kids as well! :)