Thursday, March 13, 2008

Wackee Six

Do you guys remember that game, Nertz that we used to play? I think it disappeared once Ronni left for college and we haven't seen it since! Well this game is just like Nertz, but has a different name! We love it and I recommend it to anyone who loved Nertz!


RP said...

I took some of the nertz cards with me when I left for college, but then gave them to Kenna---just for the record!

Sounds like a fun game! We'll definitely have to check it out. We're always looking for fun new games to play!

Jaime said...

Actually RP you gave me a bag of them to give back to M. I returned them, who knows where they are now! I'm glad you found a new version for us to play- it's been forever since I've thought about that game!

Kenna said...

Ok. I admit it. I 'borrowed' all 8 decks from mom, and conveniently never gave them back. When Ronni found out I had them, she made me give her half of them. So, I guess she has a conscience and gave them back to mom. I was having too much fun with them to return them, so I STILL have them! I forgot all about them until now! At least there's a substitute out there, so I can't be in TOO much trouble. . .can I???
(Nah. Mom's on drugs. Life is good right now!)

RP said...

Thanks for clearing that up Kenna, I couldn't remember exactly what happened to the cards, so it's good to know where they are!